Bank account number verification, why is it necessary?

We would like to explain why it is important for us to transfer your salary to a bank account that is in your name. This is a legal obligation that we must comply with, and we want to ensure that you are well-informed about this regulation.

On January 1, 2017, the Law on Combating Sham Employment Constructions (WAS) came into effect. Specifically, this means that we are required to transfer your salary to a bank account that is in your name (or jointly held). This is intended to ensure that you receive at least the legal minimum wage. A shared account with, for example, your partner, parent, or roommate is allowed as long as your name is also listed on the account.

How do we do it?

We would like to explain how we carry out the verification process. We want to ensure that you are well-informed about the steps we take to verify that the bank account is in your name. Below are some verification options that we propose:

  • You can provide us with a copy of your bank card, clearly showing your name and bank account number.
  • You can provide us with another document that allows us to establish your IBAN and name, enabling us to verify that the bank account is in your name.

Additionally, we include your bank account details in your agreement, allowing you to verify if we have used the correct bank account number. We want to emphasize the importance of completing this verification. This way, we can prevent potential issues in the future and ensure accurate salary payments. It’s only fair, isn’t it?

It is also important to know that transferring salary to a bank account that is not in your name is a criminal offense, both for us as the employer and for you as the employee, even if you have given prior permission to transfer the salary to that account.

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