Certificate of good conduct

Some clients require a VOG (certificate of good conduct), but don’t worry, we will request this VOG for you and then store it in our administration. You are always free to request this document when you stop working with us.

But what is a VOG?

A VOG is a judicial check where they will look at your past. This takes into account various points that show that your judicial past is not an obstacle to the work you want to perform. You can find these “points” on the back of your VOG.

How does the application work?

You can apply for the VOG independently via the link you receive from Justis. Or even easier, Staffice will apply for the VOG for you. We will complete and sign the authorization form together with you and we will take care of the rest.

If we have applied for the VOG for you, we will deduct the costs of the VOG from your salary. This is a one-off amount that the Dutch government asks for administrative processing and the background check.

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