DigiD – Uhm! What do you mean?

In short, DigiD is like a digital passport.

If you live or work in the Netherlands and need to take care of certain government affairs, like applying for subsidies, checking your tax return or arranging your pension, you’ll often need to apply for a DigiD. DigiD stands for Digital Identity and is a personal username and password that allows you to securely and reliably log in to various government websites, such as those of the Tax and Customs Administration, the Social Insurance Bank, the Employee Insurance Agency, and the municipality. By using DigiD, the safety and reliability are ensured. This way, only you can log in with your personal DigiD and access or edit your personal data.

Applying for DigiD is free and can be done online. Just go to www.digid.nl/aanvragen and follow the necessary steps.

Don’t forget! This is your digital ID. So, never share your login details with anyone else. Keep your login credentials your best-kept secret!

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