Minimum Hourly Wage 2024

As you may already be aware, there will be a change in the wage system starting from 2024. The minimum monthly wage will be replaced by the minimum hourly wage. This means that from 2024, everyone will have a fixed minimum hourly wage, regardless of the duration of their workweek. This change aims to bring more clarity to the system.

For employees under the age of 21, fixed minimum youth wages per hour will be in effect from January 1, 2024. These youth wages are derived from the statutory minimum hourly wage, just like in 2023. Below, you will find the wage tables for 2024. If you have any further questions, we are here to assist you.

AgeHourly wage
21 jaar en ouder€ 13,27
20 jaar€ 10,62
19 jaar€ 7,96
18 jaar€ 6,64
17 jaar€ 5,24
16 jaar€ 4,58
15 jaar€ 3,98

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