Travel Expenses 2024

Good news for you! Starting from January 1, 2024, the untaxed travel expense reimbursement increases from €0.21 to €0.23 per kilometer.

This means that we, as your employer, can reimburse travel expenses tax-free as long as it is reasonable.

Important to note: The untaxed travel expense reimbursement does not apply if you have a company car or bicycle.

When does this take effect?

This change becomes effective on January 1, 2024.

Will I automatically receive €0.23 per kilometer from 2024?

Although we observe that almost all our clients, for whom you work, apply the maximum reimbursement, it is not automatic and may vary per client. Don’t worry, we check this and adjust your travel expenses, if applicable, according to the relevant rules set by the hiring party. The reimbursement you receive for this can also be found on your placement confirmation and, of course, on your payslip.

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